
Working with Olaf Laarmann (also known as "Larry O. Moan") with his music project. Olaf plays Delta blues, usually on his (newly purchased from Dick Bird) O Style metal-body National guitar. Playing with a metal slide, he attacks the strings with a fervor I haven't heard since listening to Terry Garland (now THERE'S a must-hear guy!).
Olaf isn't just a "let's recreate a white-boy's image of black blues players of 1937" kinda player. Sure, his voice is a bit "black," growling with a deep Southern-ish drawl, tempered by North-Central German hints. Yet he also writes his own stuff&emdash;sounding original. His interests span not just blues but also other intricate acoustic music. So, if you happen to be in Germany, especially in the North, look for Larry O. Moan.